Sunday, 17 February 2013

Installing the Amazon Mobile plugin for Eclipse for people who refuse to read the instructions

Well if you are like me and you've wasted a day trying to install the Amazon Mobile App SDK Eclipse Plugin I would like to point out something that I didn't do.

There is a page dedicated to the SDK but there is another page dedicated to lucky eclipse users saying how easy it is for them because there is a dedicated eclipse plugin here.


So maybe this is suppose to be apparent to programmy people. The only reference I could find to it was in the requirements:

  • The latest version of the Amazon Mobile App SDK. Versions of the SDK that work with the Eclipse plugin include a spec.yaml file in the tools folder of each of the APIs.
    Make note of your SDK path, because you must provide it when installing the Eclipse plugin.
When you read this (which of course you wouldn't do because you never read the requirements) all makes sense.

So for the lazy:
1.) Download the SDK and copy it to a location you are happy to call its install location.
2.) Follow these instructions for installing the plugin.
3.) Then in:
In Eclipse, on the Window menu (on a Mac, on the Eclipse menu), click Preferences, and then click Amazon Mobile App SDK.
In the SDK Location box, specify the path where you installed the Amazon Mobile App SDK, and then click OK.
Reading this back it seems obvious but I did waste a day not realizing that the SDK wasn't included in the plugin so so might you.